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It’s the most wonderful time of year! Sputnik Russian Imperial Coffee Oatmeal Stout makes it’s triumphant return in 2017. Over 100lbs of Guatemalan coffee beans from Cuvee were hand ground right into the beer, making this year’s batch fresher and more intense than ever. We hope you’ll come drink some with us on launch day.

We’ll be featuring the following Sputnik-related beer list (in addition to about 15 other beers on tap):

2017 Sputnik
2016 Sputnik*
2015 Sputnik*
2014 Sputnik*
El Sputniko (Sputnik with cinnamon, cocoa nibs, and ancho chiles)
Nuclear Wintergreen (Sputnik with peppermint and vanilla)
Midnight Swordfight (bourbon-barrel aged Sputnik)*

*very limited availability

Mazel Tov Kocktail Hour will be on-site playing music and Austin Pierogi will have food available for purchase.

The event will open to the public beginning at 1pm, but if you’d like to get in early and avoid the crowds we’re offering a couple of VIP options.

No tickets required! Doors open from 1pm-7pm.

Ceramic Austin Beerworks Coffee Mug = $5, includes 1 free fill.
Doule-walled Stainless Steel Sputnik Mug = $15 (limited avilability), includes 1 free fill.

VIP ($35):

You’ll receive a custom double-walled stainless steel Sputnik mug (retail = $15) with a free fill, custom Sputnik socks (retail = $20), early entry to ensure shorter lines and a chance to taste the really limited edition beers on tap, and access to the free donut bar. Doors open at 11am, General Admission begins at 1pm.


You’ll receive a custom double-walled stainless steel Sputnik mug (retail = $15) with a free fill, custom Sputnik socks (retail = $20), custom Sputnik T-shirt (retail = $20), early entry to ensure shorter lines and a chance to taste the really limited edition beers on tap, and access to the free donut bar. Doors open at 11am, General Admission begins at 1pm.

Any questions? Please contact us at info@austinbeerworks.com or 512-821-2494.

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